How to Raise Confident Children

As you know, Elena and I are very proud of our daughters, Scarlett and Sabrina. Both of our girls have performed and spoken in front of thousands of people at multiple 10X Growth Conferences, and are employees of our company and have titles. Not bad for a 10 and 12-year old!

But the fact is, many things in the world make raising kids difficult today. Marriage problems, financial stress, bad schools, uninterested teachers, trouble-making classmates and degrading media influences are just some of the things that will challenge you in raising your children the way you desire to.

That’s why Elena and I have spent a lot of time working on how to parent our kids—how to make them better kids, how to make them faster, how to make them more CONFIDENT and COMPETENT.

Grant with family

There’s a specific course we took containing information from L. Ron Hubbard that I think you’re going to find really beneficial for understanding the little people in your life.

From it, we learned:

  • How to help our kids set and achieve dreams and goals.
  • What our kids need from us the most.
  • The role contribution plays in our kids’ lives and how it influences their attitude and actions.
  • The correct way to solve our kids’ problems.
  • How to help our kids become their most confident selves.

If you want to learn how to raise confident children that will make a lasting impact in the world, go ahead and download this ebook to get started. I also recommend scheduling a free consultation to help you 10X your life and bring your kids along for the ride.

Trust your kids. Empower your kids.

Your Free E-Book PDF Contains:
  • Exact tools you can use in raising your children to be happy, healthy, intelligent and self-confident in life.
  • Why children get angry and how to swiftly heal the upsets.
  • How to make raising children a joy.

I hope it does as much for you as it did for us.

Be great,